It is with a heavy heart we must report that Jon'Perry L Hutcherson, has been located and is deceased.
Jon'Perry, 21, was last seen Wednesday, November 27, 2019 at his family's residence at the Taft Apartment near Adams & Green in Peoria, Illinois. His disappearance was reported to the police December 4, 2019. His family reported to us that about 5PM he walked out the front door with his keys and wallet. Jon'Perry was not from the area and did not have friends or anyone he knew.
August 29, 2020
Peoria County Sheriff Office confirmed human remains were located on an Illinois River bank near Glasford near the 13000 block of Wheeler Road. After a search, it was then confirmed that there were more remains located in the area.
April 22, 2021
It has been confirmed today that these remains were that of Jon'Perry. No additional information has been released.
Our hearts go out to his family and those who know and love him.
Rest in Peace Jon'Perry.